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What contracts are used for offerings with Fairmint software? 🤝
What contracts are used for offerings with Fairmint software? 🤝
Joris Delanoue avatar
Written by Joris Delanoue
Updated over a week ago

Users of Fairmint software may integrate and use their own legal documents for use with fundraising and compensation offerings.

Upon signup Fairmint software users are provided access to a variety of templates that are designed to work seamlessly with their Fairmint software integrations. Users may leverage these templates with their counsel to craft the terms needed. See other sections within this Education Center for more information about templates, and visit too!

Fairmint provides access to the Community Safe, which is similar in form and function the YC Safe (post with valuation cap).

We also provide a template for Community Shares for issuance of current equity in an extremely easy and predictable manner.

Compensation templates are also available including Community RSUs, Community Options, and a Community Incentive Compensation Plan to give users a starting point for working with their counsel to empower their communities.

All offerings using Fairmint software leverage blockchain technologies and smart contracts on the Optimism network to issue digital assets embodying investors’ and employees’ interests and rights in the organization.

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