How do I fundraise with Fairmint? πŸ“ˆ
Joris Delanoue avatar
Written by Joris Delanoue
Updated over a week ago

Once your offering webpage is setup, investors can visit that page at any time and complete an automated process to sign up, verify their identity, and execute an agreement to inject capital with AML screening happening in the background. Upon the execution of an offering agreement, you will be notified of an attempted investment and will have the opportunity to review the investment and accept its terms or return the capital. All of these controls can be found in the 'Fundraising' and 'Community' tabs in your portal's admin.

You also have the freedom to invite investors to your offering webpage, and to keep your offering webpage private if desired.

We have a great blog post with tips we have learned in raising over $7 million for Fairmint with our own community offering. Check it out here.

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